Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Messy church Lent illustrations

Just finished working on some illustrations for our Messy Church service on Saturday. Messy Church is a service our church does on a Saturday aimed at families, it started with games, then crafts and activities linked to a theme (Lent, Easter, Christmas etc) followed by a short, children-friendly service. We then all have tea together with lots of cake!

I have been asked to help out this month. These drawings are going to be coloured in and then each person will take 40 stickers and their coloured-in landscapes home with them. Each day you are to pop a sticker on the landscape that best represents your day.

We chose to represent two 'good' days and two 'bad' days... the beach is a happy, fun-filled, family day; the meadow a calm, tranquil day; the winding road a tiring, long day; and the mountain a tough, hard day... I can see mine having a lot of stickers in the road landscape!